Airports within 50 km around Sobetinci

Browse all airports in Slovenia within a radius of 50 km around Sobetinci.

3 airports found in Slovenia within 50 km around Sobetinci.

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of airports around Sobetinci: 15 km100 km

Airports 50 km around Sobetinci

3 airports found in Slovenia within 50 km around Sobetinci.
Airports in the regional area of Sobetinci
Ptuj Airport Ptuj AirportLJPT17 km 11 mishow
Airport Murska Sobota Murska SobotaLJMS27 km 17 mishow
Maribor Edvard Rusjan Airport Maribor Edvard Rusjan AirportLJMB, MBX41 km 25 mishow

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of airports around Sobetinci: 15 km100 km